Prescription for Stress (9 CDs)


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SKU: PFS 100 Category:


As this world hurdles towards its end, survival becomes more and more complicated. The stressors mount up, fostering a host of feelings such as fear, anger, anxiety, depression, and grief. It can take a toll on us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The book of James has some profound counsel for us when we “encounter various trials.” How do we move from the feeling level of our existence in a time of crisis or trial into the intelligent level where we “count the experience as all joy?”

This 9-part audio series by Pastor Bill Liversidge will guide you into an all important understanding of something very beautiful that will protect your peace of mind as well as your mental and emotional health, even though trials of all kinds may be afflicting you. You’ll discover God’s prescription for stress. 9 CDs.

Additional information

Weight 9 oz
Dimensions 6.5 × 5.5 × 1.125 in
Media Type


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