Glad Tidings: Galatians Made Clear


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The Heart-warming Message of Galatians

Paul’s letter to the Galatians throbs as does no other New Testament document with the urgent message of salvation only by grace through faith. It’s a rushing mountain torrent tumbling from his heart. No secretary patiently transcribed labored dictation this time! The urgency of the Galatians’ need prompted the apostle to dash this off in his own trembling hand, perhaps the most authentically spontaneous document surviving the early Christian era.

The flame in Paul’s heart has kindled fire in other hearts across the millennia. It ignited the blaze in Luther that became the Protestant Reformation of the 16th cen-tury. The same fire leaped the centuries to set England alight in the Wesleyan revivals.

On a dismal afternoon young Ellet J. Waggoner sat in a gospel tent in Healdsburg, California, listening to a sermon. He caught a vision of the reality of the cross of Christ as a present-day truth. It began for him a lifetime study of Galatians and Romans. His resultant sermons and writings stirred thousands, and still speak powerfully and eloquently to us in the 21st century.

In modern republished form in various editions and languages, this book has already kindled fires of personal revival in Australia, Africa, Europe, and North America.