
 by President of Creative Media Ministries  Grant Agadjanian
Much needed program that will bring healing, revival, unity and joy to our members and it will also strengthen the prayer ministry of your congregation.
Over 80% of church members lost their children, grandchildren to the world, they  grieve for children  and loved ones that are in the world and no longer in the church, parents are wounded by this fact, disheartened, discouraged  and not active in the life of the church. The series “Reclaiming Your Children Back” will change these!
It will bring healing, hope and encouragement to church members whose children and loved ones left the Lord, will build their faith in the Word of God, it will reveal Biblical principals for claiming our loved ones for God, and reveal to them how the Lord plans to save our children, and what He expects from family members. 
We need not to be disheartened! We will  see the faithfulness of the Lord to His Promises to save our children. This series and seminar are dealing not only with the lost children, but also grandchildren sibblings and  family members…And the time is running short…
The result of the series will be unity among the believers, new ministry begins in the church that is driven with strong motive – the salvation of their loved ones… 
It will also reveal what keeps our children in the church and close to the Lord.
This series is also an outreach to the community, giving them the opportunity to know Jesus, to draw them closer to Christ and they would see how deep and relevant the Gospel is in the Adventist Church. The Community will know us as the people who know Jesus! 
They suffer from the same pain as Adventists as they loose their loved ones to the world. We have non – Adventists around the country that are drawn to our churches and becoming members of SDA church as the result of attending this program.
We have number of other Revival programs listed below:
A series of Christ centered messages were recorded for Hope Chanel. Unions and Divisions around the world asking us to bring them to different locations. We can bring them live to your congregation.
This series will help the believers to see Jesus with new eyes and to fall in a deeper love with Him. It will bring the backsliders and our youth to Jesus and draw non Adventist to church as they will see how profound and relevant the Gospel is in the Adventist movement. The Power of the Cross is also effective in preparing church for evangelism, to activate church members and not just depending on Pastor and Evangelist to do all the work…
This series can be as an outreach to the community as well.
Experience the Holy Spirit’s work that precedes the outpouring of the Latter Rain, a work that brings joy, healing, reconciliation and unity to, and in, the body of Christ. When this is in place – then only the fullness of God can be revealed to the community and the World around us. The reconciliation and unity will be taken place as a result of lifting up Jesus, and not condemning or criticizing  individuals.
This series also designed to prepare the church for evangelistic meetings and to stir up and activate church members to reach out to souls around them. The series of messages are also highly effective in bringing about genuine revival and healing within the church.

This seminar is based on the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation which reveal the majestic truth of God that points to deliverance of God’s people at the end of time…God was fighting for His people, is fighting now and will be fighting for His people at the end time, because He is the same yesterday today and forever… And God’s people need not to fear! This seminar will give courage and joy to our people as we nearing that time and will prepare God’s people for the reception of the Latter Rain

Series of Righteousness by Faith messages that brings forth the faith of Abraham in relation to believers today.

Powerful evidence and an eye opening reason Why Jesus rose on Sunday . This seminar brings forth Biblical and historical validity of the Lord’s day  as an automatic conclusion…. 


“LIFE CHANGING ENCOUNTERS WITH JESUS” – Powerful messages that bring personal revival to church members and it is also an outreach to the community program

“THE POWER OF THE WORD” – A Weekend program that will strengthen the faith of the believers and renew the love for the Word of God.


” SMALL GROUP LEADERSHIP TRAINING” – Topics include holistic small groups, resurces, leadership development, reaching outside of the group.

THE REFINING OF YOUR FAITH AND TRIALS – Heart warming messages and seminar that will establish your faith on the Rock, and will help you never to loose joy of life when you fall into various trials.